You read that right. Top down sweaters are so simple to do that, often, I guesstimate a gauge, cast on and just improvise from there. It’s a great way to scratch an itch when I have a yarn I want to use but am not able to picture a finished design.
Currently, I’m finishing one for my daughter. She loved the color of a yarn I had gotten at a swap party. I don’t really like the yarn, myself, so it was a challenge to design in my head with it. Instead, I just cast on.
Along the way, I’ve been asking her questions such as “cardigan or pullover?” and “how long?”
I wasn’t sure I had enough for the tunic length she wanted, so I asked her if some stripes from a leftover yarn would be okay.
It’s nearly finished, now. (I’ll post pics when it’s done, I promise.)
You can do this, too. It’s really not that hard. Really.